Monday, June 15, 2015

Watercolor Techniques

Purpose: To experiment and learn a variety of watercolor techniques

The most important concepts I learned from the watercolor practice techniques is to start light, how to layer on paint, and how unforgiving watercolors are. Layering on color after color will make the color darker, but too much water and paint will break down the paper. The thing about watercolors is that once you put paint down, you can never get the white back, so before painting use masking fluid or tape to cover the parts you want to keep white. Also, if you put a dark color on the paper, you can not make it lighter. Watercolors are so unforgiving that if you so much as let a drop of water land on your painting where you don't want it, the whole painting could be ruined. This could be bad but it's also good. It teached me to be careful what I do because there aren't second chances.

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